Monday, December 14, 2009

Burnt rice

Day 13, warm in the deep sea.

I was perfecting my rice boiling when my Korean friend named I-See came up to give me a nudge.

She mumbled that I have an urgent email from someone. So I left my 1032 biji of rice to mind itself and hurried over to the Pentium 2. Upon clicking on the keyboard, I realised that the email was from Tidur-everyday. It seems that this person wanted me to create some Chinese New Year angpao packets, yet it has to be environmental-friendly. So I replied "ok" for fun and clicked on the tiny "send" button.

I went back to my rice and they looked burnt because the colour is now black. This is what happens when I boil rice in a pot. Since I'm patient, I will try again. This will be my 7th attempt.

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